Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Cheeks Are Freezing!

My cheeks are freezing!! Didn't want to go outside, but with three dogs, somebody has to take them out to potty! While I was already in the frigid north, I figured I would clean stalls and fill hay bags so I wouldn' t have to do it later. So I did, and with a 25 MPH wind whistling through the barn, down my coat collar, and freezing my fingers, it is a wonder, more than my cheeks weren't frozen! You can figure out which ones!!

Now, after all that, I found a recipe that you just have to make!! These Mennonite Girls Can Cook! 

This looks soooo good! Let me know if you make it.

1 comment:

Bluebird74 said...

Uh yes I know which ones you are talking about, beacuse when I had to go out and do all the chores that's exactly what happened, but the horses and chickens are grateful!