Sunday, February 05, 2012

Gittin' er Done

After 3 years of not working on this quilt, I thought I should do something with it. So for the last month, I have been working on it pretty regularly. Little by little, I will get it finished!
You probably can't see them but there are 3 or 4 major boo boo's in this photo. I had to take about 4 row apart and redo several blocks. That was not fun. It is what I have been doing this past week. Finally  got each one back like it should be, so....
here is the top of the Garden Twist Quilt almost ready to layer the batting and the back together. It is supposed to resemble a garden trellis. So now the fun begins!
Buddy, (he finally has a name) loves this ball. It is a hard plastic, so he can't destroy it. He will chew up anything that he can. Gave him a new tennis ball made just for dogs and within 15 minutes it was in pieces and now he plays with the pieces, throwing them around the yard and chasing them. He worked on trying to reach his ball for quite a long time after dropping it behind that board. Then gave it up to play with a stick for a while, but he loves his ball.


Lois said...

You must have the patience of Job or more time than I have. It's very pretty,I like the colors and print.

Bluebird74 said...

I can remember you all in Dallas sitting around the quilting frame working on your quilts. Is that one of them?

It is good that he, Buddy intertains himself isn't it!

Jeanie said...

Love the quilt top!
Yep, your right. I can't see the boo boo's in the one picture. :P
Buddy looks like he'll be a good deer chaser! :D