Sunday, June 03, 2012

Random Images of the Day

Katie is such a regal lady. She was intently watching the dog as he barked at the neighbor. She was posing so nicely I just had to take her photo.
This was Ed's project for the day. This was the camper frame that he got from Mom and Dad and he has turned it into a nice trailer.
These are three of the plants that are still in the greenhouse. It gets so hot in there even with the fan running that most of the plants have been moved to the porch. The begonia with the red flower is one of the plants that nearly died in the heat episode a couple of months ago. It has finally come back nicely.
This one I call 'PEEKING'. She went 'broody' so we let her set on three eggs and she hatched all three. (We really didn't want any more chickens). There is a third one hiding under those warm feathers.


Ruth said...

Nice pictures, cute chickens. Want a turkey?

Bluebird74 said...

Good pictures Sharon. I'm thinking of all those times we tried to get the horses to pose and they would not cooperate! Much easier when they do it on there own :)
I like the 'Peeking' picture sure is cute. You can bring back the plans to me it you want. I thought it died from the last picture-pretty sad then.