Sunday, March 25, 2012


This lovely begonia had grown to twice this size and had about 10 flower stalks on it and it was beautiful! Just covered with blooms!
This was the geranium that Sarah had given me and it was covered with blooms, after having no blooms on it at all during the whole winter. Then...tragedy!  Ed and I went to visit his dad one Sunday a week ago, and all of a sudden, I remembered that neither of us had opened the greenhouse that morning. We were at least an hour a way from home by the time I remembered it.
Well, it was 80 degrees out side and a clear blue sky, so at home, in the greenhouse, it was over 120 degrees! I think the min/max thermometer said 127 degrees. Well, when we arrived home at was too late for most of them. They even smelled cooked!
Most of them looked like they had boiling water poured over them!
This airplane plant was so large and lush and just beautiful! It had two tiers of baby plants. The pots themselves were very hot to touch, so I filled the water can with cold water and just flooded everything! Now, after a week, I can finally see all the damage as it took that long for some of the plants to finally quit wilting and turning black. I think most of them will eventually put out new shoots as there is some green still there, but time will tell. So now we wait and watch and water!


Bluebird74 said...

Oh noooo Sharon, thats terrible how sad for all the beautiful plants :-(

Lois said...

Oh dear sister, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Talked to Charlotte and she said you could have anything you want of here plants.