Saturday, November 12, 2011


I walked out onto the porch a couple of days ago and as I stepped off of the front step, I looked toward the greenhouse and noticed that something didn't appear 'right'. With closer inspection, this is what I saw. And it nearly made me feel ill! The top left  pane of glass was shattered into 27 million pieces! Oh, NO!
We had been having high winds, up to 35 and 45 MPH wind gusts. After seeing this, I wondered what had happened. Then I saw it, that nasty thing! A three foot long dead branch, about one inch thick, laying on the ground near the back of the greenhouse. It wasn't there earlier, when I had walked by to check the temperature inside.(It was 110 degrees, even though it was only about 48 degrees outside)! Hopefully, all the dead stuff has already fallen out of the surrounding trees, with all the strong winds we have had lately.
This is only the top pane of a double paned door panel, but we will have to replace it. We haven't figured out a way to keep it from happening a second time. This area is the only place we have to put it, near enough to the stove to heat the greenhouse, and still get some sunshine for the plants. We need to come up with something to let in the sunshine, but to still protect the glass. It will take some more thought, I guess. Yes, we will replace it, and try again.


Jeanie said...

Oh no! I see a wire cage in your future. ;)

Farm Girl said...

Jeanie, I suggested that idea too, but so far, we haven't decided.

Lois said...

Fiberglass roof? OUCH a million times.