Monday, November 07, 2005

On Saturday I drove down to Mom and Dad's and we worked in the garden all day. My baby sister came too, and we got a lot done together. With teamwork I think we rearranged it a little. We dug up the old railroad ties that divided it into sections. Most of them had rotted, so we dumped them on the trash pile.

I used Dads tractor and pulled out the old T posts and to drag out the old ties. We were going to rototill the garden when we got it all done, but the rototiller wouldn't stay running long enough to get the job done. I got frustrated with it, trying to restart it every few minutes. I gave up on that and parked it!

It was a beautiful day for November, sunny and 70°. Mom made a yummy lunch of turkey sausage links cooked with potatoes, gravy, steamed broccoli, and corn. For dessert we had homemade chocolate covered candy bars. Mmmm!


mom said...

wow now I really did get a picture. I didn't think I was doing it right..

mom said...

you wouldn't believe what the garden looks like now somebody lives here If it don't rain befor we get it done ???? we are going to plow in some leaves today.......